Instant Download of Documents and Procedures for the Australian Building and Construction Industry to assist Developers, Builders, Tradespeople and Owner Builders.

First Aid ACT

Persons conducting a business or undertaking must follow these basic first aid requirements:

  • Conduct a first aid assessment for the worksite – having regard to the nature of the work carried out, the nature of the hazards, the size and location of the workplace, and the number and composition of the workers and other persons at the workplace.
  • As a result of the first aid assessment, provide appropriate first aid equipment and ensure that each worker has access to the equipment and facilities for the administration of first aid.
  • An adequate number of workers must be training to administer first aid, or they must have access to an adequate number of other persons who are trained in first aid.

Whilst not required in the legislation unless a risk assessment indicates other suitable means for communicating the appropriate information, the PCBU should:

  • develop and implement first aid procedures, including:
  • the location of first aid and how to call for it
  • how the first aid attendant is to respond to first aid calls
  • the authority of the first aid attendant over the treatment of injured workers and the responsibility of the PCBU to report injuries to WorkSafe ACT
  • who is to call for transportation for the injured worker as well as the methods of transportation
  • prearranged routes in and out of the workplace and to medical treatment.
  • Post first aid procedures conspicuously in suitable locations throughout the workplace or, if posting is not practicable, adopt other measures to ensure that the information is effectively communicated to workers
  • Ensure that the first aid attendant and all other persons authorised to call for transportation of injured workers are trained in the procedures