All employers must have a return to work program which consists of a formal policy and procedures to help injured workers with their recovery and with getting back to work.
Confined Space – Definition
Confined Space Definition A confined space is defined as an enclosed or partially enclosed area that is not designed primarily...
Construction – Definition
Construction work means any work carried out in connection with the construction, alteration, conversion, fitting-out, commissioning, renovation, repair, maintenance, refurbishment,...
Directors and Officers – Defintion
Officers (including company directors) have obligations to ensure the business complies with its work health and safety obligations under WHS...
Due Diligence – Definition
Due diligence requires an officer to concentrate on managing the work health and safety risks of a business. Directors and...
Duties – Definition
Duties Employers and businesses (and other PCBUs) have duties under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 The principles behind...
High Risk Construction Work
- Defintion High Risk construction work means construction work that: (a) involves a risk of a person falling more than 2...
Induction Training – Definition
General Construction Induction Training General construction induction training provides basic knowledge of construction work, the work health and safety laws...
Management or Control of Workplaces – Definition
Effective management or control of a workplace means ensuring (so far as is reasonably practicable) that there are no health...
PCBUs and workers – Definition
You can find information here on the legal definitions of PCBUs (a person conducting a business or undertaking) and workers...
Reasonably Practicable – Definition
Reasonably practicable means doing what is reasonably able to be done to ensure the health and safety of workers and...